This is the age of “More” and if you are not craving for more from everything then it is time for a system upgrade. Satisfied with less would leave you to compete with redundant complexities that even if overcome would keep you within the enclosures of redundancies only. If you are getting a house designed, you may start with an idea of a single story limited bedroom and other facilities but as you tread the design intricacies you keep adding on one idea or other and at the end, you emerge with a design of a villa instead of a down to earth house. Similarly, if you are working on the interior design or furniture designs you may have the belief that choosing suitable boards and cladding them with a wonderfully designed laminate would result in a sleek designed interior or furniture, with absolute smoothness in finish and appearance, and sometimes it does temporarily satisfies your senses but as the time passes by you start missing that little something without which your designs although reaching near perfection are not perfect.

Today the interior design and furniture design business has grown beyond the boundaries of durability and endurance, it has started to touch the boundaries of ergonomics and dynamics of design aspects. This ambitious outreach of designers has motivated the raw material providers to rise above the conventional ideas of simple wood, laminates, boards and clamps and discover unconventional solutions like mycelium, parchment, edgeband etc.
Adding to the legacy of an unconventional yet most suitable solution to attain sleek and aesthetic furniture and interior design, Richie’s started the manufacturing of a polymeric prodigy in the form of Edgebands. Edgebands provides an apt solution to rough and uneven sharp edges that may appear as a result of woodwork done in interior design and furniture creation. Our Edgeband is at present the most sought after supplementary product in the field of furniture and interior designing due to the varieties offered.
For each laminate that slides on the rollers of a laminate manufacturer, we deliver a customized edgeband to compliment every colour, texture and design. We believe in solutions that emerge from innovation and thereby help our clients to stretch their efficiency beyond every limitation. Join us and we will together sail through the complex customer demands and meticulously pursue the trending demands to keep up with the pace of ever-evolving design fraternity.